Acknowledgments and Accountability
Yoga has its own history in South Asian contexts of Hindu and Buddhist oppressive practices based on culture, gender, and age. For example, asanas were traditionally reserved for male practitioners only, were not trauma-informed, and were guided with a strict authoritarian style. There have also been reports of abuse, verbal and sexual and other controversies involving some early yogic teachers and practices. Many conscious communities and social justice approaches have shifted practice elements in order to cultivate a more inclusive, safe, felt environment in yoga practice. In non-South Asian cultures, it is important to practice yoga with positive intentions and acknowledgment of its history and evolution, along with a commitment to education, inclusivity, and respectful implementation.
We commit to honoring these values at The Connection Clinic.
Here are steps we continue to take to acknowledge the original of yoga traditions of yoga in our offerings.
● Continue learning about and acknowledging the history of yoga
● Talk with clients about native yoga intentions and practice
● Take yoga beyond the physical practice (including mental, emotional, and spiritual)
● Prioritize inclusivity and accessibility
● Avoid the use of yoga symbols or representation of deities
● Avoid the use of sacred languages like Sanskrit and terms like ‘Namasteʼ or ‘Yogiʼ as they are often misused
● Use the philosophies and principles of yoga, symbolically and metaphorically
● Express gratitude for those parts of yoga that support our values
● Ask questions and stay curious about yoga and its lineage